Does this still work?
Haven’t posted in ages, mainly curious if the plumbing still works on this. Hello?
Haven’t posted in ages, mainly curious if the plumbing still works on this. Hello?
Regularly, I find headlines and articles which remind me we’re living in the Cyberpunk future I’ve enjoyed so much in books and movies. Time to microblog my curated...
I’m easily excited by technology and software, and am prone to getting swept away with ideas, wanting open hardware and the hardest of corest of linux distros one...
In this video about the actor model (which I shared in my last post) Hewitt talks about indeterminacy. Indeterminacy goes hand in hand with robust concurrency....
Browsing hacker news, I came across Learning Elixir: My side-project and it motivated me dig deeper into elixir. My day job involves a lot of PHP and...
My wife got me a Hario digital scale to make coffee with. This is a great example of a thoughtful gift. I’m an enthusiast of coffee preparation methods,...
Quick look at the steps for baking my sourdough. My starter was homegrown from water, flour and patience.
I’ve seen the argument that the poor and disenfranchised “simply aren’t trying hard enough” as an undercurrent supporting US capitalism. The idea started to ricochet around my brain...
I’ve never paid much attention to politics. Presidential elections brought me in the same way that the Super Bowl pulls in non-fans - it’s a Big Show. This...
AlphaGo is making news for a five-game match against top go player Lee Sedol.
Today I learned why bumblebees pump their abdomens. I was prompted to look it up after one sat down next to me and started to dance suggestively. I...
Yesterday I wrote about giving into my obsession with task managers under the guise of planning to write my own.
I’m a bit obsessed with task management. I’ve worked with countless pieces of software, paper notebooks, misused software not intended for task management, and even used a
The past 5 years or so have been hugely successful for cleaning up my life-long check-list. For example:
Two weeks ago I mentioned some useful daily habits I was working on. Here’s a quick update on how that’s going:
Happy leap day. I’m struggling to write every day, if I’m being honest. However, today my friend Martyn showed me his shiny new Github Pages blog and...
During a conversation with my buddy Mike, regarding task management software and processes, (a recurring theme), he invoked YNAB’s first rule, applying it to time management. You...
I’ve just realized we can never trust robots. They can just flake out of anything.
It’s time to start focusing on the tools. Well, on time management tools.
Soon, you’ll see a post here about me roasting my own coffee beans. It’s coming, but not quite yet.
It’s time to stop focusing on the tools.
Seth Godin says to write every day. Write in a blog, or in a journal if you want to. But public is better.
I don’t go in for New Year’s resolutions, but it’s mid-February and I’m bursting at the seams with motivation. What’s going on right now? Here’s tiny list of...
Throughout years of using Github, I’ve encountered a minor annoyance related to the reply-to field of Github notifications.
After playing with plan9’s editor Acme, with its radicalized usage of mouse buttons one, two and three (check out this video as well as my friend’s