Mike in Motivation 2 minutes Providence

Write Every Day

Seth Godin says to write every day. Write in a blog, or in a journal if you want to. But public is better.

Great, I’m off - Vroom, like a rat out of an aqueduct! Except, what the devil do I write about. Writing about wanting to write is easy, but I can’t keep this up for long. Well, maybe Godin gave us a bit more direction, let’s see:

Do it every day. Every single day. Not a diary, not fiction, but analysis. Clear, crisp, honest writing about what you see in the world. Or want to see. Or teach (in writing). Tell us how to do something.

Cool, let’s see that in a simple list. My mind likes simple lists:

  • What you see in the world.
  • Or want to see.
  • Or teach (in writing).
  • Tell us how to do something.

Great. This is easy now, I know what to do, and how to get started.